The Merging
of Two Great
South Central High School Hockey Code of Conduct
I. Introduction
In keeping with the constitution of the SWMHSHL which seeks to:
“… promote better high school athletic relations;
… to stimulate spirit and interest of both students and patrons; and to exercise better control over all hockey contests…”
The SWMHSHL Board adopts the following Standards of Behavior for all players, parents, guardians, custodian of players and all coaches in the SWMHSHL. This Stand of Behavior is being adopted to promote the goals of fair play and sportsmanship as endorsed by the MHSAA. The primary purpose for high school athletics is to promote sportsmanship, teamwork and fair play.
II. Coaches
All coaches should teach their players the rules of the game and expect their players to play within these rules.
All coaches have the right and the responsibility to select the team, substitutes as needed in their judgment and drop or add members to the team according to their individual schools or clubs guidelines.
Coaches should develop the hockey skills and tactical awareness of their players.
Coaches should not verbally or physically abuse any player or their own team or any opposing player.
Coaches should not verbally or physically abuse any referee, linesman or other contest official.
A coach is a a role model for their players and consistent with MHSAA rules and guidelines as a coach:
i. Should not use profanity under any circumstances.
ii. Should not use tobacco or alcohol during any practice or game or in the presence of any player.
iii. Should not berate, demean, or abuse any player, coach, fan, spectator or contest official.
III. Players
Players who are selected to participate as a tea member in the SWMHSHL are expected to remain a squad member for the full season.
Players are expected to attend all games and practices as required by the coaches, be on time and equipped to participate.
Players are expected to be physically able to participate and have any required physical examinations completed prior to the season.
Player are expected to be academically eligible to participate.
Players are to attend school the day of any games during the school week, unless properly excused consistent with their individual school’s attendance policy.
Players are expected to show respect for authority and property.
Players should not verbally or physically abuse or taunt any opponent, teammates, coach official, fan or spectator.
Players shall not use or possess:
i. Alcohol
ii. Tobacco
iii. Any controlled substance
iv. Any alcohol, tobacco or drug paraphernalia
v. Any androgen anabolic steroid -
Players should strive to learn the rules of the game and follow them at all times.
IV. Parent, Guardian or Custodians
Coaching or refereeing by any spectator is not permitted.
Spectators are not allowed on the ice surface, in the locker room area or areas assigned to the teams, coaches or officials.
Spectators are not to use tobacco or alcohol in any areas or rink where a SWMHSHL team is playing or practicing.
Any parent, guardian or custodian of any play must wait 24 hours before contacting any coach regarding issues resulting from a game that their child participated in.
Spectators may not verbally or physically abuse any player, coach, referee, official or other spectators.
V. Per Stadium Management Company Contract (Wings Stadium Complex) – Right to Control
It is understood and agreed the SMC, through its employees and representative, hereby reserves the right to control and manage the premises and enforce proper rules for the management and operation of the premises. SMC reserves the right tot eject any objectionable person(s) from the premises and USER herby waives any and all claims against SMC resulting from the exercising of this authority.